Tuesday, September 13, 2005

are all my moatie links showing up over there ----->?
I'm trying out that blogrolling thing. it keeps track of all your blog links and lets you know when they're updated


Anonymous said...

I tried rolling a blog once. Turns out it wasn't dry enough to burn.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's working. Where do you get the blogrolling thing?

Oh, and your a fan of that Jesse James guy from the motorcycle show right?

Apparently, a girl that my wife works with is friends with him, and next time he's in town, he's supposed to drop off a donation to the vet clinic they work at. They've started a donation pot to send down for animals affected by Katrina.

If I get to meet him, I'll take some pics for you.

Anonymous said...


You're not your.

Anonymous said...

you just sign up, enter all your links, and add a bit of code in the link section of your template.

Jesse James is cool. I think he married Sandra Bullock. He's from Monster Garage. I watch too much Discovery Channel.

Anonymous said...

hi Deon
things are well indeed, thanks
you pick up those Tool albums yet? :)

Anonymous said...

for the blogroller thing, if you just want to use my list, i could give you the line of code for you to stick on your site.

Anonymous said...

"I am a Japanese School Teacher" is a MOATie?

Anonymous said...

it's a blog of interest. I ment to move it to my other links.